1. IC ONLY Gloves are normally not allowed while handling lathers Yes No None 2. IC ONLY Medical history and appearance of the patient and age always determines the level of infection control Yes No None 3. IC ONLY If you are HBV e-antigen positive, you must be a carrier and may have clinical duty restictions Yes No None 4. OSHA ONLY Rubbermaid step stools can be used as stepladdres in the clinic Yes No None 5. HIPAA ONLY Employee "right to know" law mean every employee has the right to know of the hazard posed by chemicals at the workplace or clinic Yes No None 6. IC ONLY Scare tactics, using the term OSHA inspections and not developing a safety culture is good Yes No None 7. IC ONLY One does not need to wash hands after degloving as hands are not contaminated Yes No None 8. OSHA ONLY Post exposure protocol can be started the first week after exposure Yes No None 9. OSHA ONLY Dentistry does not use dangerous chemicals that can adversely affect the employee Yes No None 10. OSHA ONLY Exposure control plan and exposure dentermination is not to be developed by each clinic Yes No None 11. IC ONLY Lipophilic kill is more important than hydrophilic viral kill as they kill HIV and COVID-19 Yes No None 12. HIPAA ONLY If you want to display a picture of a paient you must get a specific signed authorization for that specific use or purpose, which extends beyond patient health care needs Yes No None 13. IC ONLY Hepatitis D and Hepatitis G are bloodborne Yes No None 14. IC ONLY We should change ultrasonic solutions only when they become murky Yes No None 15. OSHA ONLY It is the responsibility of the clinic to provide adequate PPE to employees Yes No None 16. HIPAA ONLY HIPAA applies only to the contiguous states of the United States Yes No None 17. HIPAA ONLY Penalties for employees and the owner could be financial and criminal Yes No None 18. HIPAA ONLY We must obtain a signed conset again to shar the PHI with a referral specialist Yes No None 19. IC ONLY Salts in the dental treatment water do not allow biofilm formation Yes No None 20. IC ONLY State's board of dental examiners require a minimum of 2 CDE in Infection Control Yes No None Time's up