OSHA 1. OSHA ONLY Employees can complain to OSHA if the clinic does not provide employees yearly OSHA training or updates Yes No None 2. OSHA ONLY Dentistry is a field that has a high rate of inspections by OSHA Yes No None 3. OSHA ONLY Common citations issued by osha are on Bloodborne Pathogen Standard Yes No None 4. OSHA ONLY We must run the eyewash station and inspect gas cylinders at least once in 2 weeks Yes No None 5. OSHA ONLY Saliva is not cosidered dangerous in the spread of infectious disease Yes No None 6. OSHA ONLY Blood soaked soft wate is regulated waste Yes No None 7. OSHA ONLY Exposure control plan and exposure dentermination is not to be developed by each clinic Yes No None 8. OSHA ONLY Salting the walk-way to control falls caused by sleet may be necessary Yes No None 9. OSHA ONLY Pictograms are more difficult to decipher than an NFPA labe Yes No None 10. OSHA ONLY Post exposure protocol can be started the first week after exposure Yes No None 11. OSHA ONLY Every employee must have an accupational health record Yes No None 12. OSHA ONLY Rubbermaid step stools can be used as stepladdres in the clinic Yes No None Time's up