IC 1. Additional precutions involve using double gloves to control bloodbone pathogens Yes No None 2. Scare tactics, using the term OSHA inspections and not developing a safety culture is good Yes No None 3. HIV infection has social stigma Yes No None 4. nTB microbes have been held responsiblr for infecting pediatric dental cases in Geogia and California Yes No None 5. State's board of dental examiners require a minimum of 2 CDE in Infection Control Yes No None 6. It is not good to put in wt instruments and wet pouches with instrument in an Autoclave Yes No None 7. Evidence has shown contamination from dental unit water can affect employee in an adverse manner Yes No None 8. COVID-19 is a bloodborene condition needing only Universal Precautions Yes No None 9. You should shock the lines regularly with a strong chemical to control monocultures and biofims Yes No None 10. Using quaternary ammonia compounds is good as they have a better kill than Hydrogen Peroxide disinfectants Yes No None 11. Class-II Indicator (Bowie Dick Test) must be used daily on a B-Class sterilizer to test air-removal Yes No None 12. If you are HBV e-antigen positive, you must be a carrier and may have clinical duty restictions Yes No None 13. Sickle Cell trait is a genetic aspect of Host Immunity Yes No None 14. One of the main contributos to childhood diseases is the lack of childhood imunizations Yes No None 15. One must use an emolient on the hands at the end of a session or a day to control dry skin Yes No None Time's up